Leakey's Angels

Leakey's Angels is a relatively recent name given to three women sent by archaeologist Louis Leakey to study primates in their natural environments. The three are Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Birutė Galdikas. They studied chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans respectively.

The name was devised by one of the three women, Galdikas, in her 1995 book, Reflections of Eden, based on the fact that she first met Leakey in Los Angeles, California, a suitable place for angels.[1] Prior to Galdikas, the terms ape ladies or ape women (with variants, e.g., gorilla lady, chimpanzee lady, etc.) were in wide use, which, though they began prosaically enough in reference to their occupations, were more susceptible to misuse. The term 'Leakey's Angels' is viewed as being more suitable and is likely to be sustained.[2]

Leakey's interest in primate ethology stemmed from his attempts to recreate the environment in which Proconsul lived in the Rusinga Island region. He saw similarities between this environment and the habitat of the Chimpanzees and Gorillas. He had been trying to find observers since 1946. In 1956, he sent his secretary, Rosalie Osborn, to Mount Muhabura in Uganda to "help habituate" gorillas,[3] but she lasted only four months, and returned to England. Leakey was considering taking the job himself when Goodall providentially brought herself to his attention.

In order to fund Goodall's research at the Gombe Stream Preserve, Leakey created the Tigoni Primate Research Center in 1958. With donations from sources including the National Geographic and the Wilkie Foundation, the Tigoni Research Center helped secure funding for all three angels, in addition to being a facility for conducting research on primates. Tigoni is not far from Nairobi. After Kenya achieved independence the center became the National Primate Research Center. Currently it is the Institute of Primate Research of the National Museums of Kenya, located in Nairobi.

At the time of Leakey's death in 1972, Goodall and Fossey had progressed significantly in their long term field research in Africa, while Galdikas was just getting underway with her field studies in Indonesia. At the time, a fourth female researcher, Toni Jackman, had been selected to study bonobos in Africa, but the necessary financing and permits had not yet been secured.


Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall became the first of Leakey's Angels when she began her first field study of chimpanzee culture in the Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania. Goodall had always been passionate about animals and Africa, which brought her to the farm of a friend in the Kenya highlands in 1957. From there, she obtained work as a secretary, but acting on her friend's advice she telephoned Louis Leakey with no other thought than to make an appointment to discuss animals. The call was far-reaching in its impact. Leakey was looking for a chimpanzee researcher but he kept the idea to himself for a time. Instead, he insisted Goodall could work for him as a secretary. After obtaining his wife Mary Leakey's approval, Louis sent Goodall to Olduvai Gorge, where he confessed his plans. The funds had to be found first.

In 1958, Leakey sent Goodall to London to study primate behavior with Osman Hill and primate anatomy with John Napier. In 1959, Leakey became romantic about Goodall, but she refused him firmly. Neither bore any ill will. The funds were found in that year, and in 1960 Jane went to Gombe with her mother Vanne Morris-Goodall. The presence of Vanne was necessary to satisfy the requirements of David Anstey, chief warden, who was concerned for their safety. He cancelled the permit briefly. After Goodall was sent to observe vervet monkeys, the permit was reinstated.[4]

Dian Fossey

In 1967, Dian Fossey became Leakey's second Angel, beginning her extended study of mountain gorillas in the Virunga Volcanoes of Rwanda. She had lived a somewhat reclusive life as an occupational therapist working with disabled children in California. Earlier she had been interested in veterinary science. In 1963 she decided to seek adventure in Africa and took a trip there with borrowed money. Happening to visit Olduvai, she came to Leakey's attention by spraining her ankle, falling into the excavation, and vomiting on a giraffe fossil.

Dian returned home to repay the money. In 1966, Leakey happened to be in Louisville lecturing. Dian went to the lecture, spoke momentarily to Leakey, and to her surprise he remembered her and asked her to stay after the lecture. The next day after an hour's interview at Leakey's hotel, he hired her to observe gorillas, taking up where George Schaller had left off. On January 6, 1967, she arrived at the Virunga Mountains in a land rover with Alan Root and a small party and hiked into the mountains, where she set up camp. Root left. Fossey began to succeed in observation almost from the beginning. She seemed to have an empathy with the gorillas.

Birutė Galdikas

Goodall and Fossey were well underway in their study programs in Africa when Birutė Galdikas attended a March, 1969, lecture by Leakey at UCLA, where she was a student. She had already formed the intent of studying orangutans, and stayed after the lecture to solicit Leakey's help. In between his conversations with other fans, she managed to tentatively convince him to support her orangutan research. Leakey did wish to find an observer of orangutans and had asked Goodall to do it years before, but Goodall refused, as she was preoccupied by the chimpanzees.

Louis interviewed Galdikas the next day at the home of Joan and Arnold Travis, Leakey's base in Southern California during his regular lecture tours on the West coast. Leakey accepted the application and over the next months set up an expedition with the necessary permissions. In 1971, she became the third angel, when she began field studies of orangutans in the jungles of Borneo.[5]


  1. ^ Birutė M. F. Galdikas, Reflections of Eden: My Years With the Orangutans of Borneo, Little, Brown & Company, 1995. This information is repeated in brief in Franz De Waal's review in the New York Times: "The Loneliest of Apes".
  2. ^ As an example of the use of "ape women", refer to Donna Haraway, Primate Visions: Gender, Race and Nature in the World of Modern Science, Routledge, 1990, ISBN 0415902940, Page 151. Reviewable Google Books.
  3. ^ Morell's term, Chapter 17. She, however, uses Leakey's customary term.
  4. ^ Morell, Chapter 17. On a personal note, Louis and Vanne became involved at some level, circa 1961, in various collaborations, which later involved the writing of his memoirs. The relationship was described as 'intimate' by at least one biographer, though there are several possible meanings for the term. The relationship may have effectively finished his marriage to Mary. After Louis stayed at Vanne's flat in London, the rumor circulated that Louis was Jane's father, which was untrue. On that account Richard hated Jane and treated her rudely, feelings and behavior he later regretted deeply.
  5. ^ Morell, Chapter 24, "Dearest Dian."
